CIHEAM Zaragoza
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Av.Montañana 1005
50059, Zaragoza, Spain
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How to get to CIHEAM Zaragoza
Some Sat Nav systems do not show CIHEAM Zaragoza's exact location. The following directions will help you reach your destination:
CIHEAM Zaragoza is about 15 km from the city centre and is located on the Aula Dei Campus, at km 7 of the road from Montañana to San Mateo. Go through the village of Montañana and after about 4 km you will see the signpost of the “Campus” and at the traffic island you will see the signpost for the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza- CIHEAM.
CIHEAM Zaragoza has a daily coach service between Zaragoza and the campus for staff and participants in the morning and afternoon, following a pre-established route.
Line 28 of the city bus service also runs between the campus and the city centre.
About the City
Useful Information about Zaragoza
The city of Zaragoza is strategically located between Madrid and Barcelona and is the fifth biggest city in Spain with around 700,000 inhabitants. Its more than 2000 years of history make the city one of the greatest historic and artistic legacies in Spain as well as one the best tapas and bar scenes in the country. The city is pleasant, functional, clean and safe and it is easy to get around on foot, by bike, car or public transport. Zaragoza has a special quality that makes visitors feel at home. See this testimonial as an example: Zaragoza, the great unknown.
Travelling to Zaragoza