Agriculture has been extremely successful in providing food security for humankind. We have never eaten so much and of such good quality. In the last decade, we have increased production in such a way that we need less than half the amount of land to feed each person; but there are many challenges ahead. Changes in diet, an increasing population, and yet there are still people suffering from hunger. In this context, plant breeding is a key discipline, and represents an integration of old and modern science, all the way from basic agriculture or horticulture, to the newest developments in mapping technology, genome editing or bioinformatics.
Based on the expertise of internationally renowned lecturers and experts, this highly interdisciplinary master’s degree is completed over two years, full-time. The programme includes an engaging blend of face-to-face coursework, practicals, individual and group work, an independent research project, as well as visits to firms and research centres. Each edition the syllabus is fine-tuned to suit current issues in plant biotechnology, genomics and breeding.
This MSc programme is a truly enriching multicultural experience and a unique opportunity to network with professionals from all over the world and share practical experience on plant breeding, genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, as well as classical and advanced breeding methods.
For more information ->
Dates: September 2020 – June 2022.
Venue: CIHEAM Zaragoza (Spain)
Organizers: CIHEAM Zaragoza
Application deadline: 29 May 2020